Author: NBG

Benefits, Employee benefits, Employees, Employers, Open enrollment

Ask the Experts: Benefits Changes After Open Enrollment Ends but Before Plan Year Begins

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Question: Can an employee change a pretax plan election after the employer’s open enrollment window has closed but before the plan year has begun? Are there any potential downsides for allowing this? Answer: Yes, an employee may make a change to his or her benefit election after open enrollment has ended but before the plan year

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Blog, minimum wage, wage rates

2019 Minimum Wages

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Eighteen states rang in 2019 with new, higher minimum wage rates. These states (AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, ME, MN, MO, MT, NV, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, SD, and WA) have scheduled annual adjustments for their minimum wages based on approved legislation, via ballot initiative, or varying formulas. Thirty states have a minimum wage higher

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Blog, Custom content

Attitude of Gratitude

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Having a grateful heart impacts more than just you! When you express your gratitude to others, it becomes a ripple effect and extends further than you can imagine. Watch this video to learn how to say “thank you” to others!

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Blog, Uncategorized

5 Ways to Say Thank You

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  As we begin our new year of 2019, we have also closed 2018 with lots of celebrations, gift-giving, and family time. Showing appreciation for others during this generous season comes second nature for some but for others, it doesn’t.  You may be looking for ideas on how to express your gratitude effectively to those

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Blog, Employees, Flu, FMLA, Health

Ask the Experts: Flu and FMLA

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Question: Is the common flu considered a serious health condition under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Answer: Most cases of the common flu do not meet the definition of “serious health condition” and would not be eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave. Some cases of the flu, however, are severe

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Employers, Health plans, MEPS, Survey, U.S. Census Bureau

Ask the Experts: Federal Survey of Employer Health Plans

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Question: Our company received a survey from the U.S. Census Bureau asking about the health coverage we offer to employees, how much it costs, etc. Is this an official survey? Do we have to provide the information? Answer: It appears your company has been randomly selected for the federal government’s Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).

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achievement, Employees, Health, Motivation

7 Ways to Have Self-Control, Even in the Hardest Situations

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What would change if you had more self-control? Would you meet your fitness goals? De-escalate tense situations? Finally stop procrastinating on work projects? Although it can seem impossible to gain any more discipline than you already have, willpower can be exercised regularly just like your muscles. There are a few ways you can gain control

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