Employee benefits

Custom content, Employee benefits, Health insurance

How to Make the Most Out of Open Enrollment | California Benefits Agents

Choosing the right benefits during open-enrollment season is so important and can help save money. It can also give individuals and families broader support with their health. Benefits like medical coverage are particularly important with high inflation having such a big impact on people’s budgets. A survey by UnitedHealthcare found that nearly 40% of employees

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Custom content, Employee benefits

Controlling Employee Benefit Costs Amidst Inflation | California Benefits Agents

Inflation is a silent budget killer- it causes everything to go up, from your groceries to your gas, as the purchasing power of money decreases.  Americans are feeling the pinch as the U.S. experiences the highest inflation level in 40 years. Inflation has been particularly frustrating for Americans who are struggling to pay for items

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Custom content, Employee benefits, HR

Benefits Education 101 for Employees | CA Employee Benefits Firm

Companies spend a large amount of time and money creating valuable benefits plans for employees.  But after all that work, they often get low participation.  Good benefit choices require an effort from employers to ensure that employees have help in understanding their benefits options.  To make things even more complex, employers are having to consider

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Employee benefits, Nielsen News

Family Planning & Fertility – Value Add or Table Stakes? | California Benefits Agents

The Global Pandemic plus the The Great Resignation have blown employee benefits wide open, leaving employers and benefit advisors to pick up the pieces. In a recent Mineral benchmarking report published in May of 2022, the focus of employers towards recruitment & retention grew significantly from 24% in 2020 to 64% in 2021.  Another pivotal

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Custom content, Employee benefits

The 4 W’s of Lifestyle Benefits | CA Employee Benefits Firm

Com­pet­i­tive wages are no longer enough to sat­is­fy and sup­port val­ued employ­ees. Today, a vari­ety of ben­e­fits and perks play an essen­tial role in attract­ing and retain­ing talent. Lifestyle benefits, sometimes referred to as employee perks, are non-salary benefits given to employees to improve their overall lifestyle that go above and beyond standard medical, dental and

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Custom content, Employee benefits, Generations, Workforce

Benefits for a Multigenerational Workforce | California Benefits Agents

If only everyone valued the same things, benefits planning would be a lot easier.  If. Only. However, most employers have five generations of employees active in the workplace who want different things.  With generation gaps spanning more than 75 years, finding a one-size-fits-all benefits package can be challenging.  However, there are certain things to consider

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Benefits, Employee benefits

Are Your Healthcare Benefits Contributing to the Labor Shortage? | CA Employee Benefits Advisors

Employee benefits are a major bargaining chip for companies looking to attract talent. The problem is healthcare costs are skyrocketing, and it’s difficult for employers to offer the same level of coverage. Higher costs are either resulting in less coverage or smaller wages for employees. Find out what’s happening with healthcare and recruitment, and get

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Employee benefits, HR

How Health Insurance Can Win the War for Talent | CA Employee Benefits Firm

The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the importance of employer-provided health benefits. Not only have employees been requesting an expansion of their benefits for months, but report after report has indicated that comprehensive plans that also cover mental health or include paid parental leave, for example, are the key to getting people back to

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