
Communication, Custom content, Employee benefits

Employee Benefit Communication: It’s Not Just About Open Enrollment | CA Benefits Advisors

Employee benefits and open enrollment may be something you only think about a few times a year, and for your employees, it might be even less often. However, with a thoughtful, year-round communications plan, your business can increase employee engagement and smart benefits utilization. Many employees don’t know what benefits are available or how to

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Communication, Custom content, Employee benefits, Human Resources

Exploring Year-Round Benefits Engagement | CA Employee Benefits Advisors

Just as with any good, healthy relationship, communication with employees is key. Only communicating with employees regarding their benefits package during open enrollment will most definitely result in them not taking full advantage of all it has to offer. In an effort to assist employees in understanding and maximizing their benefits, companies should use a

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Communication, Employee Communication

How to Help Employees Communicate More Effectively | CA Benefits Advisors

In an ideal world, communication would be easy. We’d immediately know exactly what to say or write. Emails, Slack messages, and reply threads would practically write themselves. And there’d be no confusion about what anyone meant, ever. Of course, communication never works that way. We stare at the computer screen trying to decide how to

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Communication, Company Culture

Making the Workplace a Safe Place to Speak Up | California Benefits Group

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Right now, organizations across the country are asking themselves what they can do to make their workplaces more inclusive, diverse, and equitable, particularly for Black employees. They’re hosting conversations, acknowledging areas where they’ve fallen short, and identifying opportunities for improvement. For these efforts to be successful, employees need to be able to speak freely, offering

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ACA, Benefit plans, Benefits, Blog, California Benefit Advisors, California Employee Benefits, Communication, DOL, Employees, Employers, ERISA, Health, Health care, Health insurance, HMO, Human Resources, Insurance, MLR

Ask the Experts: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates

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Question: Our company received a rebate check from our health insurance carrier. As the employer, we pay the bulk of premiums, although employees who enroll for coverage do pay a portion of the cost. Are there restrictions on how we can use the rebate money? Answer: Yes, there are restrictions on using the rebate. The

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Benefit plans, Benefits, Blog, Communication, Employee benefits, Employee Communication, Employees, Health, Health insurance, Health plans, Insurance, prescriptions, Videos

Looking Backward to Plan Forward

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As you look through enrollment options for 2019, remember to look back on 2018. Check out your spending on procedures and prescriptions, and which providers are in your network. This short video will give you some tips on how to plan forward for 2019.

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