
Benefits, Blog, California Benefit Advisors, California Employee Benefits, compliance, Employee Communication, employee engagement, Employee wellness, Employees, Employers, Exercise, Health, Health plans, Tech, wearable technology, Wellness, Workplace

Wearable Technology

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Don’t lie–we ALL love gadgets. From the obscure (but hilariously reviewed on Amazon) Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer to the latest iteration of the Apple empire. Gadgets and technology can make our lives easier, make processes faster, and even help us get healthier. Businesses are now using the popularity of wearable technology to encourage employee wellness

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ADA, Employees, Health, HR, Medical information, Prescription drug, Wellness

Ask the Experts: Prescription Drug Inquires

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Question: Are we allowed to ask employees or applicants whether they’re taking prescription drugs?  Answer: No. In most instances you are prohibited from asking employees and applicants about any prescription medicines they are taking. This type of medical-related inquiry is considered confidential medical information and is protected under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and

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Amazon, California Employee Benefits, Employee wellness, Employees, Employers, Tech, Utah Benefit Advisors, Utah Employee Benefits, wearable technology, Wellness, Wellness programs, Workplace

Wearable Technology

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Don’t lie–we ALL love gadgets. From the obscure (but hilariously reviewed on Amazon) Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer to the latest iteration of the Apple empire. Gadgets and technology can make our lives easier, make processes faster, and even help us get healthier. Businesses are now using the popularity of wearable technology to encourage employee wellness

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