Human Resources

Employee benefits, Health insurance, Human Resources

Millennials, legal industry workers more likely to be hungover at work | CA Employee Benefits

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Dive Brief: On average, American workers miss two days of work per year due to being hungover, a survey of 1,000 full-time workers from Delphi Behavioral Health Group found. By industry, the sector most affected by hangovers is tech, with an average of 8 sick days used, while construction workers and legal industry workers used four,

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Human Resources, Overtime, Payroll, PTO

Ask the Experts: Overtime and Paid Time Off | Employee Benefits Advisors

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Question: Should we include holidays, PTO, vacation, or other leave taken during the workweek in calculating overtime premium pay under FLSA rules? Answer: No. Because holiday, PTO, and vacation hours are not actually hours worked they do not count towards overtime pay. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employer who requires or permits an employee

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Human Resources, Wellness

3 Ways to Improve Psychological Safety | California Benefits Agents

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Employees who feel a sense of psychological safety at work are more likely to be engaged, productive and generating the innovative ideas needed to move an organization forward—but promoting that type of environment requires significant commitment on the part of the employer, a process that can be supported by HR leaders. At a session at last month’s Health

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ACA, Benefit plans, Benefits, Blog, California Benefit Advisors, California Employee Benefits, Communication, DOL, Employees, Employers, ERISA, Health, Health care, Health insurance, HMO, Human Resources, Insurance, MLR

Ask the Experts: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates

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Question: Our company received a rebate check from our health insurance carrier. As the employer, we pay the bulk of premiums, although employees who enroll for coverage do pay a portion of the cost. Are there restrictions on how we can use the rebate money? Answer: Yes, there are restrictions on using the rebate. The

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