Benefits of Health Insurance
What are the benefits of having health insurance? What are the costs? Check out this video to learn more!
What are the benefits of having health insurance? What are the costs? Check out this video to learn more!
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard several cases with employment implications during their 2018 session, including the following four cases we covered in detail. (Click the case names to read the full articles.) Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro: Encino shifted the burden of proof in Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime exemption
We spend so much time talking about the reasons adults need life insurance (income protection, covering funeral costs and so on) that it’s easy to forget why it may be a good idea for you to insure your children as well. When we think about it, we reason that our kids aren’t contributing to the
A new study determines that working out two to three times per week for 30 minutes is sufficient to keep the middle-size arteries (the ones that supply oxygenated blood to the head and neck) young. People who exercised four times a week or more additionally kept their main arteries — which provide blood to both
I’ve seen it in my own career: When companies go through rapid growth — quickly moving from 50 to 100+ employees — things start to get shaky. This period of acceleration can be compared to when a jet breaks through the sound barrier. The flight is smooth until that moment, then the plane rattles violently
On June 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor released its Final Rule regarding Association Health Plans (AHPs). AHPs are not new, but they have not been widely available in the past and, in some cases, they have not been successful. The Final Rule is designed to make AHPs available to a greater number of
Good HR is risk management. Knowing the right questions to ask and why they are important is essential to uncovering potential risk. So, here’s the test: Click here to see if you can answer these top HR risk management questions for your clients? Originally published by ThinkHr